
I am a writer and researcher. I like to engage people with future thinking, ideas and news of new and interesting information. Some people might consider me a news addict, but I really enjoy sharing new stories and ideas with people on the web and in person. Someone once said "To be universally interesting, you need to be universally interested". That motto has served me well.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Do not rely on a backup or even think about upgrading

I just purchased version 8. I just imported my newest web project into v8.
It now takes 55 seconds to scroll to the right one frame in site view.
Thinking it may be computer related, I opened a new hard hard drive, installed and updated windows 2000, added zonealarm, photimpact 7, and netobjects fusion 7, then the V8 upgrade.
Imported the 600 page web site.
It still takes 55 seconds just to scroll one page to the right in site view. Switching to page view and back I have enough time to play a video game and come back.
This does not work for a professional web developer.

Is there any way to get a refund for my purchase of V8, and wait for V9.. maybe that will work the way it is advertised?

Another issue is the duplicated file issues, I am still hoping that fusion will one day realize that when exporting a template, if file names are the same for different assets that it needs to place them in different folders or rename them or something.

Any suggestions? If I have to recreate all 50 web sites (and growing) every time a new version of fusion comes out I am just going to switch to Namo or even frontpage, they seem to have better bug fix and customer service teams.

I am disappointed, extremely disappointed in this version 8, I am completely disappointed in the advertising of all these wonderful features that do not appear to work properly.

It may be time to give up on calling netobjest a professional web tool, strip the bullS**t database function out of fusion and sell it for what it really is, a pretty WYSIWYG web page maker for kids wanting to share family photos on the net (as long as those galleries aren't too big!), because these people won't be losing money and time and stress if it doesn't work properly.

Everyone can complain that microsoft should fix this or fix that, everyone can say well if you only did it this way or whatever. But the real life scenario is that people want to import word docs to fusion quickly, hell, my customers would like to email them and have them added to their site that minute. Why can't fusion find an easy way to strip unnecessary formatting and add it to fusion in one click and maintain some of the formatting.

It seems so ridiculous to have to open, ctrl-copy, paste, then go through and delete all these stupid single line carriage returns, replace them with enter, then go back though and re bold, or change the font size for every frickin page of text sent to me.

Real world situations, people will end up with duplicate file names, this has been an issue for a while, especially since the first digital camera came out using lame file naming systems. Now I try to rename them all, but some of my older sites have these issues (which now sit un updated since my backups are all screwed up with pictures that need to be renamed and replaced - if my drive hadn't crapped out last year that site might actually be gaining money)

Even with the backup I can't work on it, it will take way too many hours to fix what has already been created, much less adding new content, and hoping something wasn't missed in the fixing process.

So the question remains, recreate this 600 page site in fusion 8, hoping that fusion 9 will import it correctly.. or recreate this site in dreamweaver, Namo, or Frontpage, which appear to be more focused on taking care of it's customers, and which I might as well gamble will have a way to backup and import into newer versions in a way that works... let's see, the the time that would save me on this one project would be worth any learning curve of new software... I'm also starting to think that maybe there is real database integration in one of those products that works...

I have been a strong supporter of fusion for years, and suggest it to other people, but at this point I am thinking another 50 web sites are about to loose their built with NOF meta tags forever.

The time saving features of automatically changing nav bars cost 10 times that in other problems...

So 45 minutes later, I have downloaded namo web editor and played with the new v6 on my other computer, while going thought the interactive online demo for frontpage 2003 on my other computer. From this little 45 minute peek around it seems that frontpage will do everything fusion is supposed to do, with a lot more, and newer features. My little test drive of the new namo looks promising as well... if only the photo gallery options allowed an option to open the full sized picture without a pop up window or without any other html, I wouldn't have to keep using thumbs plus to create galleries... maybe frontpage has those options, haven't tried it yet. (fusion doesn't allow this yet either it seems....

So what are the benefits of using fusion?
you can keep the thousands of hours of formatting, linking, etc - just use your exported templates.
No, they do not appear to work.

So if I am going to recreate all over again all of sites I have to really consider using something more up to date.

I use to laugh at those who said they had web sites made with frontpage, we used to joke about inflated code and stuff. But now, the frontpage users are out playing with their kids, while I am still copying pasting, and reformatting into fusion, they are laughing, because their kid has a way to take documents, paste them into frontpage and boom, it's on the web, and looks good.

The search engines are enjoying the meta tag control of frontpage, meanwhile, my "professional" web sites are suffering.

Oh I could go on all day, think I will just blog about this crap instead.

I want my $100 back, I will be giving it to Bill Gates or Namo instead.



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