
I am a writer and researcher. I like to engage people with future thinking, ideas and news of new and interesting information. Some people might consider me a news addict, but I really enjoy sharing new stories and ideas with people on the web and in person. Someone once said "To be universally interesting, you need to be universally interested". That motto has served me well.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

WWSD - What would I do if I owned netobjects / wsp

haha, well, I would do a whole lot...

first I would strip out everything, rip it apart, and only leave in the ability to add text and photos.
sell this version as a fusion lt... don't we consumers love figuring out what lt, xl, pro and crap like that really means..

Anyhow, I would push this version hard in every media possible to get as many sales and upsells as possible, generate some cash and work secretly on the next pro version.

Netobjects Fusion 9 LT

share those holiday photos instantlyonline with comments, and have your family add text pages and pretty pictures for the whole family around the world to see the same day!

More of what would steve do with netobjects fusion coming soon!


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