

I am a writer and researcher. I like to engage people with future thinking, ideas and news of new and interesting information. Some people might consider me a news addict, but I really enjoy sharing new stories and ideas with people on the web and in person. Someone once said "To be universally interesting, you need to be universally interested". That motto has served me well.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

wonder about the new version

I have taken a peek at the online announcements and the pdf guide to new features, one of my long awaited feature requests is in there, but I have to wonder about many other issues that plague me everyday during web design with netobjects fusion.

Do we still have to do a full paragraph carriage return to use an H1 tag?
Is there still no place for a meta description tag without having to into html view and adding it two lines down where it should be?
Is it still reccomended that you not make a site more than 100 pages?
Will it lock up and slow wayyyy down when trying to import a site made in previous versions?
Many more frustrations could be fixed in this version, but I am not gonna shell out the $200 to find out, hopefully there will be a trial version released so we can test it before buying it..
I will also be keeping track of the banter on the support forums at to see if there are any details about these frustrations, any new ones, and of course to see how many feature requests have made it into the version 9..